
12. März 2025

eBay Debuts Standlone ‘Couch Commerce’ iPad App To Purchase Items, Watch With eBay

12.03.2012 14:00, TechCrunch Over the holidays, eBay and PayPal both pushed the term ‘couch commerce,’, in which consumers use their … [Weiterlesen...]

Occupy the Apple Store?

18.02.2012 03:10, Forbes.com: News Just my luck, I finally convince myself to purchase an iPad 2 and now Apple is scrambling to address serious … [Weiterlesen...]

My Horrific Experiences With Sony Customer Support

01.02.2012 20:11, businessinsider I have a Sony laptop computer. It is less than a year old. It was not cheap. I bought the best components, … [Weiterlesen...]

Apple Confirms Anobit Purchase: Report

11.01.2012 18:29, TheStreet.com NEW YORK (TheStreet) --Apple acknowledged its purchase of Israeli flash memory specialist Anobit on Wednesday, … [Weiterlesen...]

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